Sunday, July 8


it's been a month. i still can feel this heartache (hurt) but i think it's better standing alone than standing with people who hurt me. yeah it's right, almost 100% right. doing positive things and spending quality time with friends slowly cure this hurt and over time i think it's enough to continue to dissolve in these grief. people come and go easily in my life. they come with new things i never imagine i could have before. some bring happiness and some just leave a mere expectation. right, that's just what people do as attention seeker and that's the easiet way to hate each other. what is life? what is love? they are just such complicated things that couldn't be separated. nowadays, pure and fake are indistinguishable. the fake looks so pure, while we don't even know it was just a shit actually. this is why sometimes i don't easily believe in people. a trauma of being hurt. a betrayal trauma.

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